The new PBC study “Engagement in advertising” will allow testing a larger number of respondents (up to 30,000 a year) and using new indicators when planning press campaigns.
Until mid-2018, the readership survey was carried out using the CAPI method, which involves the respondent completing a questionnaire using a computer in the company of an interviewer. Then online surveys (CAWI) joined the research standard, interviews were also enriched with the presentation of the first pages of the last 4 editions of each title.
New indicators, available from November 2019, were obtained thanks to, among others sales and eyetracking data. 600 people have already been tested, 1,200 ads in 70 different titles have been presented to them. During the research, the respondents’ eyeballs work was recorded, thanks to which it was possible to determine the way of reading the press and noticing advertisements.
Research has created 4 new advertising indicators that will be used to build press media plans:
• adExposure – the average number of contacts the reader has with one advertisement in writing throughout the lifetime of the issue of the magazine and many contacts of the reader with the issue. The indicator determines the number of real contacts with the ad
• adExposureTime – defines how many seconds the reader spent reading one advertisement in writing during the entire lifetime of the magazine and many contacts with the edition. It is a measure of focus – the longer the exposure time of the ad, the greater the chance to remember its elements and understand the marketing message
• adReach – defines the percentage or number of people in the target group who have actually seen the advertisement in writing. It is calculated as the coverage range modeled by copy sales and advertising visibility
• realGrossImpression – a measure of the intensity of the campaign, the total number of high-quality contacts with the ad obtained during the entire advertising campaign. “Real” means that one contact with the ad is on average 2/3 of a second